When does psi show itself, and when does it not?  It shows itself when its expression is relatively extreme, consistent in positive direction, undiluted by negative references.

The extremity of the expression of psi is postulated by FST to result from having singular, undivided, consistent purpose, pursued energetically (for the expression to be extremely positive, it is necessary that the context supports the purpose of expressing psi, and psi about this particular kind of information).  Further reflection suggests that this is true, but the formulation is too simple.  Extremity is not a simple function of energy or assertiveness or singularity of purpose.

Assertiveness that is driven and inflexible will tend to produce small extremity, rather than large.  Even though purpose is thorough, it is not a purpose that is discerning of complex developing realities, it is in the tunnel of itself.  We speak of someone being driven by blind rage, or blind ambition, or blind jealousy.  The word “blind” implies this ineffective unawareness of nuance and context.  The same blindness obtains, according to FST, to our psychic transactions.

It is purposeful assertiveness that is flexible, witty, and open, that is linked to extremity.  This isn’t just singularity of purpose, it is the flexible enactment of singular purpose in the complex whole.  Psi information cannot be tapped and used when the state of mind is too inflexible.  Its connotations appear haphazardly, here and there, and must be spotted and used when they occur.  Flexible discernment is necessary for that.

In the Inclusion/Exclusion model of Schwarz and Bless, an idea is likely to come to mind to the extent that it “fits” or is conceptually congruent with some exemplar of the task at hand.  If one is looking for colors, particular colors will come to mind more readily than different sorts of tools or foods, etc.  The purpose matters.  It also matters how fixed and dominant the exemplar is.  In a stressful situation, the exemplar screams loudly, and all attention is riveted upon it.  This creates a very high criterion for Inclusion, and almost everything else is excluded.  Even particular colors, if they are too dissimilar to the color that is the referent, will be missed.

When a situation is stress-free and happy, the criterion “expands” and more things can come under its rubric.  More tangentially related things can come to mind readily.  One source of these tangential things is psi.

For extreme expression of psi, singular purpose plus cheerful openness and flexible capacity to shift in what is used – all in the context of a psi-sampling task — is what is necessary.  One needs flexibility in the service of a singular purpose, as opposed to flexibility that is purposeless or irresolute.  Either lack of consistent purpose or unhappy purpose make for little consistent use of psi, and small extremity.  Extremity in psi is like the successful act of creativity:  playful, cheerful, and also determined.

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